
The laboratory plays a vital role in the education and training of future metallurgists and materials scientists. Through coursework, laboratory work, and research projects, students learn about the fundamental principles of metallurgy and the specific challenges associated with extreme environments.

In the next winter semester of 2024/25, we are offering “Metallurgy in Extreme Environments” an introductory course for materials scientists and metallurgists.

General Description

TitleMetallurgy in Extreme Environments 
TypeIntegrated course
Semester hours3.0 ECTS
Offered inWinter semester 2024/25
Lecturer (Assistant)Tunes, Matheus A.
Administrative staffZirngast, Verena
OrganisationChair of Nonferrous Metallurgy (Contact information)
Curriculum /
ECTS Credits
Details 3.0 ECTS-Credits


ContentWhy the mechanical behaviour of an alloy degrades when hydrogen ingress its structure? How Solar protons can destroy satellite materials and jeopardize human-based space missions? Can we design new materials capable of enduring high-temperature plasma and particle irradiation in a thermonuclear fusion reactor? 

In this course, you will learn the principles of metallurgy in extreme environments. Multiple materials characterization techniques, materials selection and design will be introduced and discussed.

The course is divided in three greater areas:

1. Materials for Hydrogen Energy
a) Hydrogen-metal interaction
b) Hydrogen damage in materials
c) Hydrogen embrittlement mechanisms
d) Design of new materials resistant to hydrogen
Talk with specialist

2. Materials for Space Applications
a) Humans in space: from cold war to present times
b) Introduction to Solar weather
c) Materials selection & criteria for space applications
d) Materials degradation in extraterrestrial environments
e) Materials degradation in exoplanets 
f) Design of new materials resistant to Solar proton irradiation
Talk with specialist

3. Materials for Fusion Energy
a) The challenge of thermonuclear fusion
b) Materials degradation in a tokamak
c) The problem of hydrogen and helium for materials
d) Tungsten, Vanadium and Refractory High Entropy Alloys
e) Nanocrystalline nonferrous alloys: The solution?
f) Design of new materials resistant to fusion reactors
Talk with specialist
Previous Knowledge ExpectedBasic knowledge of physics, materials science, and physical metallurgy.
(Expected Results of Study
and Acquired Competences)
After completion of this course, you will be able to:
– Identify and describe multiple mechanisms that cause materials degradation.
– Understand the major challenges associated with materials design for hydrogen energy, fusion energy, and space applications.
– Effectively think in new strategies to mitigate materials degradation mechanisms using both fundamental and modern principles of metallurgy.
– Explore prospective careers in either scientific research or industry involving the application materials under extreme environments.
Languages of InstructionEnglish
Teaching and Learning Method
Course management assisted by MoodleNo
Scheduled DatesDetails
Course Criteria & RegistrationDetails

There is also possibility for remote attendance. For more information and questions, please contact me at[at], I am looking forward to it!