Communicating our science to the people!
Uni. of São Paulo Newspaper: Hidrogênio é promessa para energia limpa mas danifica tubulações – cientistas buscam solução. 20.11.2023. International interview. (In Portuguese)
Los Alamos Daily Post, News Coverage: LANL: Science Digging Deep Into Quantum Materials. 18.06.2023
Materials at Extremes, Special Post: The World Loves Aluminium Alloys for Space Applications!. 23.03.2023. Compilation of international news articles about our work on space materials.
New Scientist magazine: Aluminium alloy could boost spacecraft radiation shielding 100-fold. 20.10.2022. International interview to New Scientist.
Uni. of São Paulo Newspaper: Liga metálica `esconde’ material magnético com potencial para aprimorar dispositivos eletrônicos, 10.01.2022. International interview. (In Portuguese)
Montanuniversität Leoben Press Release: Publikation in Science Advances, 15.04.2021.
American Ceramic Society (ACerS), Ceramic Tech Today bulletin: MAX radiation protection for next-generation nuclear power plants, 20.04.2021.
Worldwide press coverage of our Space Alloys work: Great reception of our recent work on space weather and materials science!, 17.12.2020.
Uni. of Huddersfield Press Release: Aluminium alloy research could benefit manned space missions, 10.12.2020. Official Press Release.
Uni. of São Paulo Newspaper: Como testar resistência à radiação sem utilizar um reator nuclear, 06.02.2019. Official Press Release. (In Portuguese)
Uni. of São Paulo Newspaper: Cientistas descobrem nova forma de obter material para indústria eletrônica, 12.11.2020. Official Press Release. (In Portuguese)
Uni. of Huddersfield Press Release: Testing radiation without using a nuclear reactor, 10.04.2019. Official Press Release.
Montanuniversität Leoben Press Release: Neue Legierungen widerstehen der Sonne, 25.11.2020. Official Press Release. (In German)
Started a blog dedicated to share science news and posts about materials in extreme environments: Materials at Extremes, Oct-2020.
Started the official twitter account for the MIAMI Facilities: MIAMI Facility, May-2018.