
The research team at the laboratory of metallurgy in extreme environments is composed of a diverse group of experts dedicated to advancing the fields of metallurgy, materials science and physics. This multidisciplinary team includes metallurgists, materials scientists, mechanical engineers, physicists and chemists, all bringing their specialized knowledge to tackle the complex challenges associated with extreme environments.

We are an international team that collaborates closely, leveraging their combined expertise to design and conduct experiments, analyze data, and develop innovative solutions. National and international faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students work side by side, fostering a dynamic and collaborative research environment. The team’s commitment to excellence and innovation drives the our mission to push the boundaries of what is possible in metallurgy.

Group Leader


Ass.-Prof. Matheus A. Tunes, BSc MSc PhD MInstP[at]

Academic Networks

| Nichteisenmetallurgie | Google Scholar | Research Gate | arXiv | github | ORCID | Scopus |

Research Interests and Projects:

Space Materials, Lightweight Alloys, Nuclear Fusion, Hypersonic Materials, Radiation Damage, Corrosion, and Electron Microscopy

Academic Trajectory

Academic Genealogy

Undergraduate and postgraduate researchers

Sandra G. Hernandez
Development and characterisation of an ultrafine-grained Al-Mg-Si alloy for space applications
(Master Thesis Completed Oct 2024)
Christoph Frühwirth
Materials Selection for Radiation Shielding
(Working Towards Master Thesis)
Susanna Nurschinger

Processing and Characterisation of new Aluminium Crossover Alloys
(Working Towards Master Thesis)
Bogdan Malysh
Geopolitical implications of recycling in macroeconomics
(Working Towards Bachelor Thesis)
Ícaro Silva Frida Carneiro
Hydrogen susceptibility of high-strength aluminium alloys
(Working Towards Master Thesis)

Collaboration with the scientific network within Nichteisenmetallurgie

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont. Thomas M. Kremmer

Transmission Electron Microscopy, materials characterization and in situ TEM
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont. Irmgard Weißensteiner

Head of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Deformation-Precipitation Interactions in Aluminium Alloys (CDL DEPICT-Al)
Expert in Texture Analysis
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. Sebastian Samberger
Physical Metallurgy and Characterisation of Lightweight Aluminium Alloys and Applications
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. Patrick Willenshofer
Metallurgy of new ultrafine-grained aluminum crossover alloys for space exploration
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. Philip Dumitraschkewitz

In situ TEM thermal experiments
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. Manuel Leuchtenmüller
Hydrogen-materials (aka. [H]-M) interactions

Administrative Support within Nichteisenmetallurgie

Bettina Seidl

Affiliates, Collaborators and International Network

Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont. Peter J. Uggowitzer

ETH Zürich (Switzerland)
Physical Metallurgy, Lightweight Alloys and Biomaterials
Univ. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont. Helmut Antrekowitsch
Chair Professor at Nichteisenmetallurgie (Austria)
Recycling, Nonferrous Metals and Hydrogen Energy
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont. Stefan Pogastcher
Montanuniversität Leoben (Austria)
Lightweight Alloy Design
Professor Dr. Ehsan Ghassemali

Jönköping University (Sweden)
Hydrogen Damage in Lightweight Alloys
Professor Dr. Rostislav Daniel

Montanuniversität Leoben (Austria)
Design and Architecture of Functional Materials Systems
Professor Dr. Milos B. Djukic

University of Belgrade (Serbia)
World-class leader in hydrogen damage in materials
Leader of the Network of Excellence in Hydrogen Embrittlement
Professor Dr. Paulo P. Fichtner
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)
Ion Beam Modification of Materials
Professor Dr. Stephen E. Donnelly
UK National Ion Beam Centre, MIAMI Facilities (UK)
Ion Beam Modification of Materials
Professor Dr. Ericmoore Jossou
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States)
Advanced Nuclear Fuels and Nuclear Materials
Professor Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont. Peter Hosemann
University of California – Berkeley (United States)
Nuclear Materials and Nuclear Engineering
Dr. José D. Arregui-Mena

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (United States)
Advanced Nuclear Materials and Characterization
Professor Dr. Philip D. Edmondson

University of Manchester – UKAEA Chair Professor (UK)
Thermonuclear Fusion Materials and Atom Probe Tomography
Professor Dr. Eduardo Alves
Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa (Portugal)
Thermonuclear Fusion, Nuclear Materials and Ion Beams
Dr. Martha Dias
Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa (Portugal)
Thermonuclear Fusion, Nuclear Materials and Ion Beams
Professor Dr. Vlad Vishnyakov, FInstP

Inomorph Ltd
Coatings, Thin Films and Advanced Materials
Dr. Graeme Greaves, MInstP

MIAMI Facilities (UK)
Ion Beam Modification of Materials, Accelerator Science
Dr. Emily Aradi

University of Manchester (UK)
Advanced Nuclear Materials, Electron Microscopy
Professor Dr. Cassiano R. E. de Oliveira

University of New Mexico (United States)
Nuclear Reactor Transport and Radiation Shielding
Dr. Osmane Camara
Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany)
Electron Microscopy and Nanomaterials
Professor Dr. Francisco Tadeu Degasperi
Faculdade de Tecnologia de São Paulo (Brazil)
Science and Technology of Vacuum and Transport Phenomena
Professor Dr. Felipe Carneiro da Silva

Faculdade de Tecnologia de São Paulo (Brazil)
Thin Solid Films, Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology
Professor Dr. Konstantina Lambrinou

University of Huddersfield (UK)
Advanced Materials Development and Testing
Professor Dr. rer. nat. Claudio G. Schön

University of São Paulo (Brazil)
CALPHAD, Physical Metallurgy and Nuclear Materials
Professor Dr. Silvia Titotto
Universidade Federal do ABC (Brazil)
Biomimetic Materials and Materials for the Future


Sophie Forner Tunes
Optical/Electron Microscopy and Materials Destruction